Sunday, August 29, 2010

Teacups and hobos

In my last semester of university I decided to use an elective to learn photography, except I am yet to make the 8am Tuesday morning lecture for obvious sleeping reasons so I am very behind with the photography concepts. I spent today teaching myself and it's all finally making sense! These are a few photos I took for my first assignment. The teacups are still life and Matt dressed up as an 1900's hobo is suppose to represent pictorialism.


Hello hello!
It has been way too long since my last entry, a day at the office writing blog material for other people has instilled some motivation into my own successes, so here goes...

For those of you who went, or for those who didn't (and have had to listen in excruciating  pain while others recount their weekend), I am sorry but there really isn't anything as wonderful as Splendour in the Grass! This year it was bigger than ever, with pretty much a five day event. 

My friends and I packed our two minuet noodles, baby wipes (which were used as shower substitutes!) and hid enough vodka to kill an army of Russians. Travelling with 9 girls is never an easy task, our departure time was suppose to be 9am, but after one forgotten ticket, a scheme to hide vodka in empty tomato sauce bottles and a huge turn in the wrong direction - like to the Gold Coast, we some how managed to make it to Splendour.

I get lazy with taking photos and mine never turn out very good so these are photos I stole from my friends or found on the internet,

The Fashion -

 Goldfrapp VS Blue Juice in battle of the Yeti's
I SAW BAMBI!!!!! But by the time I worked up the courage to ask her for a photo she was gone... This is the outfit I saw her in on the final day, and the snap is from Gary Pepper Vintage. Bambi is stunning, I spotted her twice in a crowd without even trying, her style is so effortlessly cool, I have no idea how she managed to look this good on the last day of splendour! I bet she didn't have to have baby wipe showers! 

Goldfrapp wore the most amazing jacket I have ever seen! I am pretty sure it was made out of VCR tape, I wonder if it's DIYable... it would probably end up like most of my DIY projects, unfinished.

The Music -
The Drums - this lead singer is Mick Jager reborn
My friend had VIP access and took this photo of Ben Harper holding his set list.

I usually am not a huge fan of Ben Harper, but he was incredible!
Kate Nash - One word, PSYCHO! Who would have thought the girl who sings such up beat and happy songs would be the biggest nutcase I have ever came in contact with. She yelled at the lighting crew because the stage lights were too bright, then she would not sing until the stage was in complete darkness - so the crowd couldn't see a thing! Her piano had written on it for some obscure reason 'a cunt is a very useful thing'. Then she went on a huge rant about hating the world and being a hermaphrodite. CRAZY!
I was so excited to see the Strokes!!!! They were fantastic I have never danced so much before in my life!

Outfits -

Some how Sierra and I both wore the same outfit and ended up looking like Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dee all day!

My lovely friends! Goodbye Splendour I miss you so much already. xo

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Model Profile: Lea T

For their latest campaign Givenchy designer Riccardo Tisci cast his long-term friend and assistant Leo, only Leo does not look like a Leo... Leo is a transgender model who is now going by the name Lea T. 

To follow on from the Givenchy campaign and to give us all an education on what transgenders look like Lea T has posed nude in this month’s edition of French Vogue. At first glance I thought this photo was of a beautiful Brazilian model, it was only when my eyes dropped to Lea T's nether region I discovered the 'pee pee'.

I think this is a really positive movement that our sheltered world needs. It was only a few months ago the Olympic track runner Caster Semenya was publically humiliated through the Olympic committee threatening to take her medals off her if she did not agree to a gender test. 

I think what Lea T has done is extremely courageous and brave. The one thing I like about Lea T is that whether or not she is a boy or a girl, she is beautiful, controversies and very, very different - and to me that is exactly what fashion should be. Lea T shows that beauty comes in many shapes and sizes and differences are something that should be celebrated not humiliated.

I was hoping to see more of this unconventional beauty but rumor has it she is quitting the runways to become a vet – brains, beauty, boobs and balls, some people just get all the luck!

I would love to know your thoughts... comment away! 

Nike & Art?

The brainpower at Nike has decided their sports fanatic target market is just too niche, so their new campaign is targeted to the artistically advantaged. To celebrate the 'Nike 78' shoe, Nike has given 78 artists complete freedom to redefine what sports shoes are.

When I first saw this campaign, I thought it was a bad move on Nike's part, artists are not athletic! They float through life surrounded in a haze of smoke, drinking double espressos, and complaining about bureaucracy. This image is very far from 'Just Do It' slogan Nike has built it's empire upon, but some how this campaign works. The artists created some amazing pieces that will be shown in exhibitions around the world.

I think this campaign really brings Nike down to earth, for so long they have been on a pedestal always choosing the best of the best to represent the brand. This campaign diversifies the Nike brand and brings the label into a new cultural realm.

You can see the rest of it at

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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Breathing walls

Holidays for me, consist of telling my boyfriend I am going to clean the house, but actually staying in bed all day on the internet. But if I didn't have this incredibly lazy, time wasting hobby, I may have never came across this amazing interior.

I wonder how long it will take for my messy apartment to start growing its own moss on the walls?

Tim Burton

I spent the last week in the winter wonderland that is Melbourne. We went down for my cousin's 21st, but as if we needed a reason to escape Brisbane. My 6 friends also came down, our friendship group reminds me somewhat of an over loving Italian family, it wouldn't surprise me if I woke up in ten years time and they were all living in my street! Lucky I like them.

We went to the Tim Burton exhibition 'up late'. Going to the up late session meant there were bands playing and aliens dancing. Never one to shy from a crowd my Aunty Shirley began dirty dancing with the aliens, one of the alien's even gave her flowers!

The exhibition was amazing! I had no idea how talented Tim Burton was! Before he became a film director he was an animator for Disney, he must have kept every single drawing he ever did because there was over 700 sketches, poems, drawing boards and models, what a hoarder. I guess if I was that amazing though, I would probably keep my own toilet paper. Burton's drawings were so raw, it was incredible to see the first drafted stages of his characters that had since became so famous.

The costumes were my favorite part, three of Johnny Depp's costumes were on display - it was like he was almost there, almost! His Edward Scissor hands costume was mostly made out of black electrical tape and broken tyre rubber - talk about a Hollywood budget!

For the first time the Alice in Wonderland costumes were shown to the public, but in the flesh they look pretty boring, which isn't surprising considering how many special effects destroyed that movie. My pick was Michelle Pfeiffer's Cat Women outift, although it made me not want to eat for a month - gosh she was skinny!

There were no camera's in the gallery, which was a god send. People blocking my view whilst taking photos is my biggest pet hate! I found a few photos on the internet though of my favorites, if you're in Melbourne definitely go to this exhibition, but avoid weekends, the lines are huge.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


My brother bought his girlfriend an iphone for her birthday, but she didn't know how to use it - which is great because now the little baby is all mine! Like any iphone virgin I started buying apps like crazy! My favorite so far is the Hipsmatic Photo booth, which is just like having a lomo only without the $300 price tag and the pretentious indie rep to defend. You can change the lens, the flash and film. This app is defineitly worth the $4 itunes fee. These are a few of my little pics

my pretty little room

my pretty little boyfriend
The lovely miss jeshie wong! Come home to me Jesse!Nunu bears the most adorable girl in the world
Jiva! I am yet to find anybody who is as full of life and colour as jarvis

my lover kobi who is perfect in every possible way